On My Own

Director: Dani Jacobs
Production Company: Swivel Films

Peach appear in a surreal little world in this video for "On My Own". The three band members, Paul, Pascal & Lisa each have their own little kitchen that they inhabit in the bowels of Suburbia. Paul & Pascal are happily each living alone, doing the things they want to, when they want to.

Lisa is trapped with a man who pays no attention to her, and in a series of desperate bids for attention, she starts doing bizarre things to make him pay attention.

Ultimately she leaves as she wants to be like Paul & Pascal and have fun.

Paul & Pascal's shots were inspired by Morecambe & Wise's kitchen skit, when everyday movements like making breakfast become choreographed in time to the music. They catch toast, tinkle spoons and so on perfectly in time.

The video was shot in a studio in London. The shoot went very well, especially the choreography parts when many eggs/glasses were dropped in rehearsals....

Video download available

Click here to download the "On My Own" video. (File size 6.7mb).

There is an "alternate" video to "On My Own" which was made for the American release (and the UK re-release) of the CD. At the moment I don't have the means to digitise the full length video and put it online, but I will do so when I can. In the meantime, here's a 30 second clip I obtained way back when ... gives a taste of the difference.

Click here to download the alternate video (it's in Quicktime format, not RealAudio) featuring the motorcycle segment. The full video has Lisa in a Casino, followed by a chase in car and then on motorcycle.